If Rudy wins the nomination. I’m not surprised by this. It looks like there’s a strong possibility that another Clinton will be elected president because of a third party candidate:

Alarmed at the chance that the Republican party might pick Rudolph Giuliani as its presidential nominee despite his support for abortion rights, a coalition of influential Christian conservatives is threatening to back a third-party candidate in an attempt to stop him.

The group making the threat, which came together Saturday in Salt Lake City during a break-away gathering during a meeting of the secretive Council for National Policy, includes Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, who is perhaps the most influential of the group, as well as Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, the direct mail pioneer Richard Viguerie and dozens of other politically-oriented conservative Christians, participants said. Almost everyone present expressed support for a written resolution that “if the Republican Party nominates a pro-abortion candidate we will consider running a third party candidate.”

They wouldn’t have to do this if they would get behind a conservative like Thompson but no, they tear him down because he doesn’t attend church enough, his campaign isn’t going the way they expected and he isn’t on board with their entire agenda. Well, the gains that were made in the judiciary will be lost under Clinton and Dobson will only have himself to blame.
Repeat after me: President Hillary Clinton. We might as well get used to it and get ready to submit to our new Democrat overlords because they will control the House, the Senate and the White House. If that isn’t enough to scare you, nothing will.
My sister gave me a birthday card that had a picture of Hillary Clinton on front with these words, “Happy Birthday from the most powerful woman in the free world!” and then on the inside it read, “If this doesn’t scare you, another birthday shouldn’t bother you at all!”

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