Is here (via). Wow! It’s amazing how much bin Laden sounds like a rant at Daily Kos. I guess the left have a new spokesperson.
Bin Laden knows the power of propaganda in fighting this war and turning public opinion against it. Undermining the support of our troops and of our leadership. He brilliantly plays the left and the MSM by regurgitating their propaganda right back at them.
I wonder if it was an ego stroke for Chomsky to get a shout out from bin Laden. Is there any shame to being quoted approvingly by the man who caused the death of thousands of Americans?
Bin Laden may have adopted the rhetoric of the left but his bottom line is still the same: the democratic system is corrupt because it doesn’t come from Allah. America, like all countries, have to submit to Islam and adopt it’s laws. And if we do, we will have lower taxes. We would lose the freedom to dress the way we want, listen to the music we want and would have to stone our homosexuals and adulterers but we would be free from war because the evil corporations would no longer be able to control us through the democratic process.
Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch sees this invitation by bin Laden as a precursor to war and quotes this passage from the Koran:

Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war, do not embezzle the spoils; do not break your pledge; and do not mutilate (the dead) bodies; do not kill the children. When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them….If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah’s help and fight them. (Sahih Muslim 4294):

BTW, this may be the reason bin Laden darkened his beard:

The Shafi’i school of Islamic jurisprudence forbids men and women to dye their hair black “except when the intention is jihad…as a show of strength to unbelievers.”

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