A young woman was asked to leave a plane because her outfit was deemed too sexy. See for yourself here.

Apparently the outfit Kyla Ebbert wore on the “Today” show Friday was acceptable for a national television audience of millions, but not quite up to the rigid standards set down by Southwest Airlines.
Ebbert, accompanied by her mom and her attorney, appeared with Matt Lauer to discuss a recent incident in which she was at first asked to leave a flight before it departed from San Diego to Tucson because the flight attendants felt her attire was too revealing. When she convinced them that she would adjust her outfit to meet their requirements, she was allowed to remain onboard.
And here’s the kicker: On the return flight, she not only wore the same outfit and encountered no trouble whatsoever from the Tucson-to-San Diego crew, but she told Lauer that one flight attendant actually complimented her.

I’ve seen much worse. At least the pilot didn’t threaten to kick her off for being too distracting to fly the plane.
Update: Here is a blast from the past of Southwest Airlines. I think I’ll add a hypocrite label to this post (via).
Update: There’s a report of another incident. I blog about it here.

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