So, we slap Jesus’ name on an activity and it becomes a ministry?

Church youth leader Jeff Tomerlin contends, however, that paintball is the perfect ministry.
His church, New Life Christian Fellowship, wants to play paintball on 15 acres of county land.
“I really wanted to do something for the youth where they could see godly adults acting as mentors. We thought about going the skateboard route, but none of us are skateboarders,” said Tomerlin, 45.
After church on the third Sunday of every month, a group of teens and adults from New Life cook up a big meal of hot dogs, give testimonies about Jesus in their life, suit up in camouflage and grab donated paint-shooting guns (“markers” in paintball terms).
They have affectionately nicknamed their paintball and Jesus games PBJ.
Tomerlin hopes the lessons of discipline and teamwork that families pick up while playing will have the sticking power of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
“They learn life lessons like depending on each other, and they learn that sometimes if you go out on your own you get hurt. It can sting when you get hit.”

Look, why not just be honest here? You want to show the kids a good time and entertain them, why not just say that. If you really want to minister to the kids and give them examples to live by, how about focusing on what Jesus focused on. How about teaching them the word of God and then teach them how to share that word with others?
BTW, the whole “packing heat” aspect of the story is silly:

The church’s youth group saw Paintball for Jesus as good, clean fun. But many in the community recoiled at linking the Prince of Peace with packing heat — even if disciples are inflicting only paint splatters.

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