Men and women are dying in Iraq and this guy lives here in safety and maligns the job they are doing, tainting them in the eyes of the public and empowering our enemy.

A Washington man, whose claims to have slaughtered civilians as a U.S. Army Ranger in Iraq were seen by millions on YouTube, admitted in federal court in Seattle today that he was a fake and a liar.
Jesse Adam Macbeth, 23, pleaded guilty to charges he faked his war record.
“He was in the Army for 40 days before he was kicked out of boot camp for being unfit,” said U.S. Attorney Jeffrey C. Sullivan. “He was never in Iraq.”

I agree that this would be a fitting punishment:

As a member of the military, I think this loser needs to be shipped to Iraq, dumped in the middle of no where, and be left to fend for himself. What a disgrace and a pathetic excuse for an american.


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