Her award should be revoked? It doesn’t sound like she’s a very peaceful person.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Betty Williams apologized Thursday for saying she could kill President Bush, remarks that drew scorn from Bush loyalists and shook up the International Women’s Peace Conference in Dallas.
“My feelings now and again get way ahead of me,” Ms. Williams said. “I couldn’t kill anybody, but I must confess that I’m extremely angry with the Bush administration and what they have done. To say that was wrong.”

Conference organizers immediately sought to distance themselves from her speech Wednesday night, but it brought a swift rejoinder from the White House, dominated some radio talk shows and drew a flurry of hateful e-mails to attendees.
Questioned about her speech Thursday morning, Ms. Williams initially denied making the comment but reversed course after organizers confirmed the quote.
In a speech before 1,000 people Wednesday, Ms. Williams said that violence is a choice and the push for peace takes hard work and commitment. < "Right now, I could kill George Bush," she said. "No, I don't mean that. How could you nonviolently kill somebody? I would love to be able to do that." As she made her point, she chuckled and some members of the audience laughed.

Wow! Only Bush loyalists are scornful? I would think that the sheer hypocrisy of it was so abundantly obvious that event those on the left would ridicule it.
And then there’s this:

“It was an incredible act of bravery to make that statement in Texas,” said Lucinda Marshall of Louisville, Ky., who added that the anti-Bush rhetoric appealed to her. “When you have a president that’s consistently breaking the law, you do not have a democracy. You have a dictatorship.”

If this were a true dictatorship, it would be an act of bravery to stand up to the president and make a statement against him. Let her go to Iran and make a similar comment and she would be arrested. Here she is just another dilettante playing at bravery when the consequences are only ridicule by the right and others who understand the hypocrisy of her words.
BTW, I thought that Bush was hated around the world:

Unda Sigera of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, said people in her country are generally supportive of Mr. Bush ” if they talk about him at all ” because he increased the amount of U.S. aid to Africa. “I do not know much about America,” she said. “Back home, they don’t say anything about Bush because this is beyond their say.”

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