This is no way to treat a presidential candidate:

Dear feminist activist,
Mainstream media coverage of women politicians has hit a new, unbelievable low. On Friday, the Washington Post ran a prominent article analyzing Senator Hillary Clinton’s cleavage.
Let the Post know that this kind of demeaning coverage will not be tolerated. Senator Clinton is a distinguished member of the Senate and quite possibly the next president of the United States. Instead of writing about her strategy to end the war in Iraq or her plans to reform the health care system in this country, the Post devoted a feature story to analyzing her breasts.
Let’s stop this ridiculous coverage now, in the early stages of the campaign, and demand that Senator Clinton is treated with the same dignity and respect as her male competitors.

Read the rest here.
But how about a story about the cleavage of a presidential candidate’s wife? Is that OK? Where’s the outrage over that? It should be equally offensive that the wives’ cleavage should become an issue in the campaign.
Related story:
Clinton’s Cleavage? What? Are you kidding me?

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