Why did these stupid Republicans put Trent Lott back in leadership? Why does he have to buy into the premise that it’s going to be worse? Why not focus the media’s attention on the good things that are going on over there. We read everyday about the bombs, we not tell the public about the successes? Stop weakening the president’s position. I’m about ready to leave the Republican party because these people lack resolve, principles, common sense and a spine:

Senate Republican Whip Trent Lott says President Bush’s new strategy in Iraq has until about fall before GOP members will need to see results.
Lott’s comment Monday put a fine point on what Senate Republican stalwarts have been discussing quietly for weeks. It also echoed remarks made this weekend by House Minority Leader John Boehner (news, bio, voting record), R-Ohio, indicating the GOP’s limited patience on the war.
“I do think this fall we have to see some significant changes on the ground, in Baghdad and other surrounding areas,” Lott, R-Miss., told reporters.
Lott declined to say what he thinks should happen if Congress does not see improvement in the security situation by then. But he said lawmakers have time before they must decide.

Stop piling on! Let the military run the bleeping war and let them decide what the deadlines are going to be. They have more knowledge than the politician sitting in Washington. When are these politicians going to realize that?
BTW, when the left, the media and the feckless, spineless Republicans finally force us to cut and run from Iraq, get ready for the push to cut and run from Afganistan. The bombing has already started there. They know that’s a tactic that will force us out of a theater.

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