The left is very superficial in their understanding of our desire to see Thompson enter the race. They appear to be into simple math, you know 1 +1 = 2. This is their level of analysis:Reagan was an actorThompson is an actorWe think Thompson is like Reagan because he’s an actor.Think I’m kidding?

Former Rep. Harold Ford Jr. of Tennessee, in Chicago Tuesday for an event sponsored by the Democratic Leadership Council, discounted any comparisons between Ronald Reagan and former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee, a Republican who is reported to be considering a run for the nation’s highest office.

“There must be a lot of uncertainty on that Republican side, for a Hollywood actor who plays a New York prosecutor to be seriously thought of as presidential timber,” he said. “President Reagan was the governor of California, the leader of the conservative movement…The only real comparison is they were both actors.”

(via)What the heck does Ford know about what made Reagan so popular among conservatives and why we believe that Thompson has similar conservative values like smaller government, supply side economics, etc. You would think that Ford, who is from the same state as Thompson, would understand what Thompson did in Congress. It’s clear from his voting record that he shared Reagan’s principles and has a similar view of government.BTW, if I were the Democrats, I wouldn’t be talking about lightweight candidates with Obama and Edwards in the race.Speaking of superficial analysis, here’s a video of Bill Maher on Hardball dissing Thompson’s looks, calling him “basset-faced Fred Thompson.”

Now, if you looked like this, would you be mentioning someone’s looks:And like Ford, he doesn’t understand our desire to find a candidate who shares the principles of Reagan, he calls it our “campy fixation” and that it’s “almost gay.”And when he talks about the fact that Reagan was optimistic but the Republicans will be running on the war and that will make them fear-mongers, he shows that he lacks self-reflection because his candidate is one of the doom and gloom candidates, the two America candidates. That doesn’t sound too optimistic to me.He doesn’t seem to get it that you can be optimistic when you face the future, you don’t have to run from your problems and you can be optimistic about overcoming them: “We have these problems but I know that America has the strength and resolve to overcome all the difficulties in our path. We have done it throughout our history and we can do it again if we just continue down the path that we are on. Putting our eyes on the goal and keeping them there, not looking back at how life was like before we went to war. That life is gone but we can forge a new one. We are now committed to this new life and looking back will only undermine our resolve. Better days are on the horizon, they will be that much sweeter because we’ve had to suffer for so long. Our nation has not only been at war in Iraq and Afganistan, but here in America as well as we fight each other over these problems that we share. Let’s put aside our differences, let’s not dwell on how we got here but what we can do to resolve the problems so that we can leave a safer America for our children.”See that’s not very hard and just think what Thompson could say if he had a real writer Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketAnd I’m really surprised how provisional Maher sounds about Giuliani dressing in drag, hasn’t he heard of Monty Python? You’d think that he would be a little more sophisticated since he’s from Hollywood. Don’t they have comedians who dress in women’s clothes for a laugh there?

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