He’s going after Cheney first because he doesn’t want Cheney to become president after Bush is impeached. It’s a ridiculous waste of time since it isn’t going anywhere. They will not get the votes necessary to impeach Cheney: A veteran United States politician has introduced legislation urging Vice-President Dick Cheney’s impeachment for allegedly manipulating intelligence…

Military strategist and Majority Leader Harry Reid has determined that if Petraeus states that things are starting to improve in Iraq, then he won’t believe him. (via)It’s amazing to me that Reid, who isn’t fighting and doesn’t know what’s going on over there, thinks he knows more than the guy leading the fight. The guy…

Ah Ha! The smoking gun, as it were. Here is video of Thompson during a debate on abortion. Just so you know my bona fides on this subject: I’m a Christian who believes that life begins at conception and I’ve been pro-life since I was a teenager and realized that it was legal for a…

When liberals come to this blog bragging about the fact that Pelosi is more popular than Bush, I laugh because I know that a majority of those polled haven’t a clue who Pelosi is. I think Jonah Goldberg‘s column really nails the problem with the polls: HUGE NUMBERS of Americans don’t know jack about their…

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