I switched to the new Blogger. Well, to be completely honest, they switched me. I went to the dashboard but instead of seeing my blogs, I saw this:
Yikes! I was a little concerned but by the next morning I could access my blogs though I was bummed to see that I couldn’t use the new features. They just copy your blog over as is and you can’t use the cool widgets or change the colors of the links from the layout editor or anything else that makes the new blogger new. The only thing I can do is add labels to my post but I can’t display the categories.

So, I’ve decided to switch templates but I have two problems: I don’t have a lot of time because I have to study for a Greek test this week and I don’t like any of the free templates. I was thinking about rewriting this template but I don’t really know if I want to invest the time. This one is one of the few I liked so far but it’s brown and I don’t like dark colors (it’s hard on the eyes). I may use this one but I’ll have to modify it. Hopefully, there will be a new look to the place by the end of may.
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