No, I mean it. I’m going to miss having Rosie on “The View.” This should not be a surprise to those of you who have been reading this blog for awhile. Here is what I said when she bashed Christians for being radicals:

I hope Rosie keeps plying it on so that the American people see how deranged the left have become (the American public that watches this kind of show). I think most Americans see this as an unfair comparison. They understand there’s a difference between Christians and radical Islamic fascists. We are not the ones that would kill you for being a lesbian.

Now there won’t be such an open window on the insanity of the left. Now we can’t see how low ABC will go for ratings. Now we can’t see how far into the wacky left Rosie would push Barbara Walters. Bummer! I hope they bring on someone as obnoxious, how about Barbara Streisand? Alec Baldwin is being floated as her replacement. He would be a good choice for stupid comments but would they put a guy on “The View?” Isn’t the whole point of the show chicks sitting around talking?BTW, the fruit of Rosie’s work can be seen in this video:

I doubt that Walters would be this publicly disdainful if the environment didn’t promote it. Heaven forbid that Walters is forced to wait a few minutes to ensure the safety of the president of the United States.

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