I was working very hard to finish reading New Testament History by F. F. Bruce, so that I could write a digest by Friday. I asked my professor what time he wanted it by on Friday (I could tell that I would be hitting the latest possible deadline at the rate I was going) but he surprised me and said that the time was flexible. I joked and asked “By midnight?” and he said that he might not even pick them up on Friday! So I asked, “Could we turn them in after the Easter break?” and he agreed! Woo hoo! How cool is that? Now I have a little breathing room. Enough that I could take a moment and post something to my blog.

BTW, you have got to read Bruce’s book it is a quick and enjoyable read. You learn a lot about the early church and it has some interesting background information. It’s only $12 at the Westminster Bookstore.
I’ll be plugging the bookstore every chance I get now because I get a kick back when you buy books from them using a link from my blogs (either this one or Reformed Chicks). So, please help a struggling seminarian out and buy your books using my links! I want to be able to afford this:

And this:

Money’s tight now that we are investing $6,000 in Samantha mouth (braces), so I can’t afford to buy books right now. And the Goldsworthy looks really interesting and I want to use the Genesis commentary for a study I hope to be doing next year. The commentary is a Jewish commentary and it is really good and has the Hebrew and English translation side by side with commentary on the bottom. I used it last semester and found it very helpful.
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