This is so arrogant and unconstitutional, do these people really think they are going to get away with playing chicken with the funds necessary to keep this war going? Do they really want this show down at the expense of the safety of our troops? No president can accept the terms they are offering. They become commander in chief. Do they really think that the American people will stand back and watch as they risk the lives of the men and women they authorized to fight this war?
They don’t have the votes to cut funding because they know that would be unpopular but how popular do they think this position is? They authorized this war plan by voting unanimously for the author of the plan, they should step back and let it work.
Bush better veto this bill and keep vetoing until the Congress gives him a clean bill.

Congressional Democrats are showing no signs of backing down on their rebuke of the
Iraq war, insisting President Bush will have to accept some sort of legislative timetable in exchange for the billions of dollars needed to fund the war.
“We would hope that the president understands how serious we are,” said Majority Leader Harry Reid (news, bio, voting record), D-Nev., after the Senate voted to uphold a proposal in a war spending bill calling for the troop withdrawal.

I would urge those in red states to call their Democrat Senator and demand that they make sure the troops get the funding necessary to complete the task that Congress sent them to do. Tell them you don’t appreciate them playing political games at the expense of our troops.
The last time we had a game of chicken over the budget the loser (Newt) lost his job in the next election cycle and cost his party a number of seats. Does Reid really want to take that risk?

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