If you haven’t, now is your chance to watch all of the episodes online (except for the first one which they don’t have up yet)! It is one of the best shows on TV this year, it continually keeps you guessing and it’s exciting, funny and addicting. Since it’s comic bookish, there is comic bookish violence, so be forewarned. There are also suggestive scenes in the first and second episodes.
OK, back to getting ready for my final. I’m reading Hamilton’s Handbook on the Pentateuch. It’s an excellent commentary on the Pentateuch. Though it’s considered academic, I’ve had no problem reading it so it might not be as academic as the publishers and my professor thinks (I figure if I can read it, anybody can 🙂 You would think since he is covering five books that the treatment would be pretty superficial but it isn’t. I’ve found it pretty helpful. I noticed that he also has one on the history books as well, I think I’ll get it.

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