I know that people come to this blog and wonder what the heck our name means, what does it mean to be Reformed? (I think that ya’ll know what chick and blabbing refer to, right? 🙂 And I’ve been thinking that I should write something more indepth than what I’m currently linking to (which is our first post where I explain the name of the blog and the purpose of this blog) but I don’t have time. So if you are still wondering what it means to be Reformed or a Calvinist, here is the cliff notes version of the TULIP. The TULIP is only one part of Reformed theology (though there are some, a lot of them, who act like it’s the beginning and end of Reformed theology).
When I complete this semester, I will try to write something that will cover the stuff that goes beyond the TULIP like covenant theology, glorification, union with Christ, adoption, etc.

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