They were hard! My Gospels professor used fragments of sentences so you didn’t have much context. Those are the hardest to translate. And it was hard to study for two tests in two different languages (excuses, excuses). I wasn’t the only one who struggled, the guy sitting next to me told me that he didn’t even turn his test in.
My OTHT professor gave us a verse that I struggled with when preparing for the test. I knew he would but I still had trouble with the verse. I didn’t translate it properly.

One bit of good news though, I found out that the professor is going to drop the lowest quiz score. I think that would be this one (I at least hope so).
Another bit of good news, I think I’ve decided on what passage I’m going to use for my exegetical paper, the unjust judge passage. It should be interesting.
And could you please continue to pray for my cousin’s family? Especially his mom, this has hit her hard! My dad told me she could even talk to anyone. The funeral is tomorrow, please pray that she will be able to make it through the service.
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