I was hoping to post something about the ABC 9-11 movie but I’m going to be very busy translating Greek, so I probably won’t post anything until later tonight. I was wondering if any of you have seen the movie. I liked it and it helped me to put everything in perspective, there wasn’t too much that was new except for the attitudes of the bureaucrats but just seeing it all together like that was a shock.
I was struck by a number of things but I’ll only do one right now, John O’Neil’s death was the stuff of Greek tragedy. The irony of him working so hard to catch bin Laden and to protect the Towers and then to die in the Towers by the man you working to stop screams Greek Tragedy! (I remember at the time reading that a terrorism expert had died in the Towers but I’d forgotten about it and then seeing his efforts and seeing how he died, the whole thing was stunning).

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