Since my recent run-in with the law, I have been making sure to check the speed limit of whatever road I’m on and then do it. But it is absolutely impossible to do 25. Not only does my car refuse to do anything less then 30 mph, but I have to contend with tailgaters since no one does the speed limit and they even get mad at you for doing it.
I guess it has its benefits though, you can actually see the scenery. Driving 25 down one of the many residential streets I have to travel in the morning:
“So, now that we are driving so slowly we have time to look around. Look, they have lions on their steps. And look there’s a valentine flag.”
A few minutes later, “This is soooo slow! Oh look, the grass is growing.”
Since I knew I would be doing the speed limit this morning I left early and since I wasn’t rushing, the other drivers were not bothering me. I ignored everyone, even the tailgaters. So if you prayed for me after reading this, then thanks a lot!
After I wrote the above I read this in Calvin’s Institutes:

“Some, like thieves and robbers, desire to overturn all law and right, to break all legal restraints, to let their lust alone masquerade as law. Others think unjust what some have sanctioned as just (an even commoner fault), and contend that what some have forbidden is praiseworthy. Such persons hate laws not because they fight against manifest reason. What they approve of in their understanding they hate on account of their lust.”

Very convicting! But I always knew that I was a rebel at heart.

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