Could someone explain this to me?
Update: I’m not the only one. Maybe its pomo and we’re expected to do reader response.
Another update: Someone came up with a plausable explaination here:

Here’s my stab at the cartoon’s point: Hooper has allowed Lewis’s work to be portrayed about as faithfully as if a Cockney accent had been placed in the beloved author’s mouth. I don’t know if Hooper himself has a Cockney accent, but perhaps the cartoonist is also suggesting (per the last panel) that Wee Walter is an uneducated thug.

Lewis, of course, did not despise all Cockneys (nor, I trust, does Mr. Byers). Witness King Frank and Queen Helen — Narnia’s first human monarchs — a Cockney cabbie and housewife who exemplify the last becoming first and the lifing up of those who humble themselves.

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