Way to go, Delaware Christians! Praise God for His answer to your prayers.

“Several supporters, including sponsor Rep. Deborah Hudson, R-Fairthorne, said the bill’s references to embryonic stem cell research were removed because of a powerful lobbying and advertising campaign that opposed the bill.
The campaign Rep. Hudson referenced, “A Rose & a Prayer,” is a grassroots effort that involved Delawareans of many faiths. More than 2,400 Delawareans signed up for a total of more than 1,500 hours of prayer in opposition to SB 80. Also as part of the campaign, state legislators last week received more than 1,500 roses with cards from individual voters asking them to vote against the bill. In addition, it is believed that over ten thousand Delawareans contacted their representatives asking them to vote against the bill…
Largely as a result of the campaign, legislators amended the bill to 1)remove all references to embryonic stem cell research and 2) clarify the definition of “human reproductive cloning” to clearly ban any cloning that results in a human fetus or child for any purposes, and to close a loophole that would have allowed fetal farming…

‘We hope that other states will recognize Delaware’s decision to refuse to legalize embryonic stem cell research as an indication that Americans do not want or need research that destroys human embryos,” said Jenkins, a Wilmington attorney. “Rather, we need research that focuses on adult stem cells, where scientists are increasingly finding real cures.'”

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