Red Letters

Many of you who viewed the video blogs asked the question, "What can I do to help?" It is true that the needs in Swaziland are desperate, but any little you do can go a very long way. Let me point you in the direction of helping. We are all "One Family" in God’s eyes.…

Hey everyone. It’s good to be back home with friends and family. I feel quite good and am not suffering much jet-lag except for the fact that I’m up at the crack of dawn! At least it’s quiet and I can get some things done. Thanks for you the encouraging comments you left for the…

We’re on our way home. Thank you for joining us on the trip. Download the original version of "Thank You and Goodbye from Swaziland.”

Come with us on safari on our last day in Swaziland.

This short video is of a beautiful Swazi girl who is confined to a wheelchair. We’re not certain of her life circumstances, although there are many children who are victims of terrible physical and sexual abuse. There is a persistent myth throughout southern Africa that having sex with a virgin will cure AIDS. The younger…

In our latest video blog, Pastor Walter shares the stories of two Swazi families impacted by HIV/AIDS. This is a jarring account of what life is like for many children in Swaziland. It was hard to film, as you’ll see. As you watch, please pray for justice and mercy for these vulnerable children. Download the…

Tomorrow, you’ll meet Pastor Walter in my next video blog. Before posting it, I wanted you to have some background about this man and his ministry. Seth Barnes described Pastor Walter like this: Swaziland is the country where people die faster than anywhere else in the world – shockingly, the average Swazi doesn’t ever see…

What is a care point? That’s a very common question, and this video is part of the answer. In Swaziland, the orphan care point’s main function is to feed the children a simple corn maize meal. The food is prepared by the older women in the community–known as "go-gos"–and right now they are providing 2-3…

Some days you really have to think on your feet! Today, the Children’s HopeChest team visited the children served by the Thulwane orphan care point. Watch the video to see what we and the kids faced today–and how we used slices of pizza and bananas to feed Jesus! Through the HopeChest sponsorship program, sponsors–people like…

The first video is online! On the road from Johannesburg to Swaziland sits the Refilwe Community Project. Today, we visited Refilwe, seeing their programs, visiting their neighborhoods, and spending time with the children they care for. Part of their project is aimed at helping orphans, and right now they care for about 25 orphaned children.…

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