Join me in prayer this World AIDS Day, December 1, 2011.

Magnificent Jesus…

In this season of advent, we ponder the great mystery of how you became flesh and lived among us.

You healed us with your hands.

You comforted us by your words.

You led us in your footsteps.

You shared our joys and sorrows with your tears.

You brought the fullness of God into our lives.

And you commanded us to do likewise.

Lord Jesus, send us to the hard places where HIV/AIDS destroys the lives of orphans and children. Send us so that by the power of your name we would…

Bring the fullness of God into the lives of the hurting, the suffering, and the lost.

Share the joys and sorrows of our brothers and sisters.

Lead the world in radical obedience to your teachings.

Comfort the afflicted with the true Word of God.

Use our hands to heal the sick and brokenhearted.

In this season of advent we confess that we have not done these things sometimes because we are scared or distracted or busy or lazy or feeling insignificant and powerless. And today, on World AIDS Day, we ask that in your mercy and grace you would forgive us for the times we have left your work undone.

Magnificent God, send us and use us to restore all that HIV/AIDS has taken from your children. In the words of your servant, Isaiah, we pray, “Here am I. Send me!”

In the name of Jesus Christ,





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