New zodiac signs 2011, new astrological dates, and the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus bring horoscope changes.

This morning the Web is abuzz with searches for “Ophiuchus” and “new zodiac signs.” The 1/3 of Americans who consult horoscopes and believe in astrology are panicked that their astrological zodiac sign has changed.

Apparently the earth tilted a little now there’s a new astrological sign: Ophiuchus. The supposed 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus changed the dates for how signs are determined, and this has a lot of people (including some professional sports athletes) worried, upset and searching.

You know, you thought you were a Gemini, but now you are a Taurus? That would take some getting used to, especially since these signs tell us about our essential nature, personality, and predispositions. But maybe your zodiac sign didn’t change, it’s still under review by the experts.

Thankfully, my sign has not changed.

And I was worried about it for a moment. I checked, and re-checked, and I’m happy to say that Tom Davis is still a Christ-follower and my sign is still the cross. And after extensive research, I didn’t find that sign on the old or new zodiac. And the only star I really care about is the one that appeared over Bethlehem 2,000 years ago to proclaim the advent of Christ.

What’s your sign?

Think of what’s been in the news lately: Sarah Palin’s blood libel
, the Tucson shootings, the Westboro Church protest of
Christina Green’s funeral, the heroic actions of intern Daniel Hernandez
to save Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
, Ted Williams YouTube star discovered, Ted Williams
, the anniversary of the Haitian earthquake, Auburn football player Michael Dyer’s great run play in the BCS championship game, and the fears that
Facebook is shutting down

Does the essential nature of these people and these events now have new meaning because now these people may have been born under a different sign?


The signs and wonders of the heaven point to the Creator of the universe. Astrology is our attempt to steal their meaning and re-purpose it in our own image. Surely the stars and signs and movements of the heavens are all about me!

It is as though we stare into the most beautiful painting and can find no greater interpretation than the one that is about ourselves.

The Bible is filled with references to the stars and the heavens, and each time the greater purpose is to describe God’s vastness in comparison to man’s insignificance. The heavens and the stars are God’s handiwork, and like the rest of creation point us back to Him–not back into ourselves.

For those reading who may be inclined to horoscopes and astrology, I encourage you to immerse yourself in the ancient wisdom found in the Bible. Or, click any of the links below to be taken directly to the verses in the Bible pertaining to the phrases.

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