I’m leaving in 5 minutes for the airport – Denver to DC to Rome to Addis. Our team will arrive around 7:00 pm. I will be able to Twitter, which also updates my Facebook status. So pay attention to the twitter updates on the left hand side of my blog toward the bottom, as well as FB.

Your prayers and thoughts mean more than you know on trips like this. There is so much to do, and I don’t know how we’ll be able to do it. We have to interview potential staff members, find good on the ground partners, love on kids, build trust in a matter of days, shoot tons of video footage, live on a few hours of sleep, and run like mad! Of course it’s exciting – scary too. But that’s where faith comes in, doesn’t it?

I wish you could all come with me! You’ll be in my heart. Thanks for your support and prayers. Talk to you when I land in Ethiopia.

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