My life was completely transformed by a trip to Russia in the late 90’s. It’s a fascinating country with beautiful people and a rich heritage. Many things have changed over the years but one thing hasn’t changed: It’s still extremely difficult to be an orphan. Everyone knows you are an orphan, it’s stamped right on your passport. People draw conclusions from that ‘label.’ You are stupid, a criminal, or you have no skills to work. Your shelved to be on the bottom rung of society whether you like it or not.

The reason I fell in love with the programs run by Children’s HopeChest in 1997 is the same reason I am committed to them today. They are lifelines providing hope to orphans who are left alone. The success we’ve seen over the years has been amazing. Many of these kids have made the transition into adulthood successfully. They have graduated from Bible school, nursing school, and linguistics school and will be the future leaders Russia needs.

I’m hoping to post pictures of some of these kids along with their stories. Please stay tuned in and continue to pray for the 1 million children still in state run orphanages. Your prayers have powers and these kids need to know there is hope and a future for them.

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