Today, I had a great talk with Beth Kanter, a blogging consultant guru. I never knew blogging was so complicated. As it turns out, there is a whole new world of marketing and communication out there that I have been missing. If you have a blog, a strongly suggest you check out her blog for some advice and pointers.

A question has been plaguing me as of late:  What is our responsibility to the world’s poor, the oppressed, the orphan? What is my responsibility? Am I responsible, or can I be absolved of my responsibility – can I bow out? Can I leave the job to someone else? Another organization maybe, or a great humanitarian with a name and a platform. It’s a question we all must answer.

If the answer to this question was left to mere worldly opinions, I can’t imagine having any responsibility. But, I at least, answer to a higher power. If God has a concern for the poor, then I have no choice but to care about the things on his heart. Without any doubt, God makes this answer clear to me in scriptures like James 1:27, "Pure and undefiled religion is visiting widows and orphans in their distress."

If true, each of us must decide how we live that out. Whether through prayer, fasting, giving, or influencing – our involvement is required by our King. Other matters are but trifles compared to ‘pure religion." And according to Matthew 25 it is the very thing that will matter most when we stand before the Lord in eternity. So, what is the answer to that question? And how do we live it out?

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