Thanks to all of you who sent an email requesting a copy of RED Letters. You should have a copy delivered to you in August – I will keep you posted on the exact date.

I wanted you to know that I will be posting live video of my trip to Swaziland, Africa on this blog beginning around March 5th. This is all experimental and we are working with a company called The Pursuant Group, who has the technology to make all this happen. Simon Scionka will be traveling with me to do the producing and editing. Check out his latest work here – you’ll be impressed!

I ran across this article about The World Cup being held in South Africa in 2010. As you may know, South Africa has one of the highest HIV infection rates in the world – affecting 5.5 million people. My fear is that the virus will be shipped to the four corners of the globe through all of the ‘illicit’ behavior taking place behind the scenes at those kinds of events.

They aren’t even able to find enough civil engineers and workers to design and build the necessary buildings because so many are sick with AIDS. That’s the toll this disease has taken on this country. Remember, many people living in South Africa don’t have proper education about what causes HIV, so they don’t know how it’s spread. Even the President of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, believes that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS. Read the article here, and pray for South Africa.

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