To truly understand the devastation AIDS is bringing to Africa, and to our world, you must read this article. These are the kinds of facts that have driven me to write about HIV/AIDS in my new book, RED LETTERS: Living a Faith that Bleeds to be realeased in September of 2007. If this trend continues, AIDS will also detroy the societies of other countries like India, Russia, Ukraine, and China.

Read the article here at Here’s a sample:

"AIDS has become the biggest producer of bereaed families – and the primary cause of death in Africa. AIDS stimagtised funerals add a sad regular rhythm to African life everyday. AIDS is on verge of destroying the productive forces of our society; it will cost the society 26 years of domestic and school age to produce a teacher, doctor or lawyer but it will cost AIDS only six years to destroy them. Children who left when their parents die of AIDS only add another complex dimension to Africa’s epidemic, AIDS has created a generation of orphans in Africa."

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