The X Factor premiere recap, Wednesday, September 21, 2011 Welcome to the premiere of The X Factor! Wow, we’re in for a treat. Simon teams up with Paula again in his new show, leaving American Idol for good and perhaps for the better. We shall see. The show kicks off with a glimpse of the…

Survivor: South Pacific premiere recap, September 14, 2011 Tonight begins with a helicopter ride over Upolu, Samoa along with Oscar “Ozzy” Lusth” and Benjamin “Coach” Wade, both seasoned two-time veterans from previous Survivor seasons. Ozzy comes from Cook Islands and Micronesia and Coach is from Tocantins and Heroes Vs. Villains. Coach and Ozzy share their…

Big Brother 13 finale recap, September 14, 2011 Julie begins tonight’s finale with “After ten evictions, twenty-nine competitions and seventy-five days cut off from the outside world, one house guest will walk away with a half-million dollar grand prize.” We get some highlights starting clear back to the beginning of the season. Promises made, promises…

Big Brother 13 recap: Thursday, September 8, 2011 Julie Chen, dressed in a sleek all-black pantsuit opens the show tonight. What is that block thing hanging on her necklace? It looks like some kind of Chenbot remote operation device. She tells us the Power of Veto will “make one Houseguest the most powerful player in…

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