For a few years now I have tried to be more observant of the church calendar in my devotional life as a Christian. I own several books about incorporating liturgical prayer and spiritual practice into my daily life. I have read some of them. But I admit to being a little intimidated by it all…

I am not a graphic novel enthusiast per se, but even I take note of the goings on at Comic Con International. And part of the hoopla revolves around Christians and their influence on the world of graphic novels.  The Christian Comics Art Society has a booth at the event this year and  members are…

Oh, I couldn’t help but share this bit of bookish news. Kate Middleton and I have something very important in common. We both have a longtime love of the classic “Anne of Green Gables.” On her tour in Canada she revealed she wanted to visit Prince Edward Island because of her fondness for the novel.…

Several of my friends are currently reading the book  “The Twenty-Five Books That Shaped America”.  It’s an okay read. Interesting wording. Not the  twenty-five  best books or twenty-five most memorable books. Twenty five books that shaped  the U.S.’s culture – not someone else’s. Our way of thinking. Our beliefs. Our shared experiences.The list includes some obvious choices…

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