Rabbi Shmuley Unleashed

According to Frank Rich of the New York Times, Wall Street is a bigger threat to the United States than Al Qaida. It’s an exaggeration, of course, but conveys the degree to which some of the smartest people in the country have come to loathe an industry that puts itself before every other interest, screwing…

At middle age I have come to accept my limitations. Although I like to have an opinion on almost everything, I am conscious of the fact that I am not a legal scholar and do not understand all the complexities of the criminal case against Shalom Rubashkin, the former CEO of America’s largest kosher meat…

A Fallible Pope, an Imperfect Church By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach The only institution worse at PR than Israel is the Catholic Church. Never in my life have I seen such a formidable world power handle a crisis more catastrophically than how the Vatican is handling the current scandal of pedophile priests. And the sad thing…

When it came to protecting the right of the Libyan Ambassador to the UN living immediately next door to me in Englewood, my Democratic Congressman, Steve Rothman, found his voice, issuing a three page press release about a deal he had brokered with the State Department 27 years ago for the Libyans to bizarrely remain…

When asked about Lindsey Lohan and Jesse James Rabbi Shmuley Boteach said the following: On Lindsey Lohan Rabbi Shmuley commented:  “It is absolutely a tragedy to watch a young women who is kind hearted and talented implode before our very eyes. While the news media continues to obsess about her dysfunctional life I believe the principle issue is the…

This Monday President Obama hosts his second White House seder in as many years. As a Jewish American I am grateful to the President for highlighting the festival of Jewish emancipation and peoplehood. But given a choice, I would readily forego the White House Manischewitz in exchange for an end to the bitter herbs the…

The advent of Passover and Easter, which always fall around the same time, beckons a deeper discussion about one of the principle differences between Judaism and Christianity. In essence it is the difference between a values system based on struggle and a values system based on perfection.

Maybe someone at the Obama Administration can explain what’s going on. When it comes to tyrants who have dismantled their nation’s democracies and thrown their political opponents in jail, like Hugo Chavez, President Obama hugs them with both arms. And if you’re a Middle East dictator, like King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who brutally oppresses…

In my eleven years living in England I often observed, as did many others, that Anglo-Jewry lacked the vibrancy and innovation characteristic of American Judaism. The absence of an electrifying sense of Jewishness and communal dynamism was a subject much discussed among the Anglo-Jewish leadership. In areas like per capita philanthropy and social services, Anglo-Jewry…

Of late it’s been a tough time for those working to prevent genocide. Darfur has been off the world’s radar screen for months. Then there’s the poor Armenians. It wasn’t enough that 1.5 million were murdered in a genocide perpetrated by the Ottomon Turks during the First World War. Turns out that for the sake…

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