This Monday President Obama hosts his second White House seder in as many years. As a Jewish American I am grateful to the President for highlighting the festival of Jewish emancipation and peoplehood. But given a choice, I would readily forego the White House Manischewitz in exchange for an end to the bitter herbs the…

Maybe someone at the Obama Administration can explain what’s going on. When it comes to tyrants who have dismantled their nation’s democracies and thrown their political opponents in jail, like Hugo Chavez, President Obama hugs them with both arms. And if you’re a Middle East dictator, like King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who brutally oppresses…

Of late it’s been a tough time for those working to prevent genocide. Darfur has been off the world’s radar screen for months. Then there’s the poor Armenians. It wasn’t enough that 1.5 million were murdered in a genocide perpetrated by the Ottomon Turks during the First World War. Turns out that for the sake…

A year ago Barack Obama was walking on water. Today he’s treading just to stay afloat. A year ago his soaring oratory enraptured a nation. A year later his speeches cannot lift him passed a fifty percent approval rating. How did the American Messiah become such an ordinary mortal?

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