Progressive Revival

I think Biden is a great choice for the Obama campaign!  His working class roots in Scranton, PA, foreign policy bona fides and deep Catholic faith- that you can just tell is in his bones- will be a great addition to the ticket. There will be a lot more discussion on these topics in days to…

The following is an open letter to Senator Obama from 150 Clergy people including several who blog for Progressive Revival such as Sister Joan Chittister and Michael Lerner. Dear Senator Obama, As strong supporters of your campaign to become President of the U.S. in our own personal lives and as leaders in the religious communities…

  We have heard a lot in the past years about Evangelicals being more concerned about issues such as climate change, AIDS, and, especially, poverty.  So it was jarring that there was so little concern from Evangelicals about Senator McCain’s out of touch answer on who is rich in America.  After generously offering that he…

  I was a guest on The Colbert Report tv show on Comedy Central channel, and Stephen Colbert asked me why Obama should become a Buddhist now that he’s left his church. There are actually TWELVE OFFICIAL REASONS WHY OBAMA SHOULD BECOME A BUDDHIST 12. Buddhists have more fun. 11. It’d be great to have a…

The McCain campaign sent out an email yesterday touting their guy’s performance with Pastor Rick: “The reviews are in from Saturday’s Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency, moderated by Pastor Rick Warren. The critics agree – John McCain’s straight talk emerged as the big winner of the night!” And unlike the McCain ad that blamed…

Advance applause goes to the Democratic National Convention Committee for its decision to include Sister Helen Prejean author of Dead Man Walking in the historic interfaith service opening the 2008 Democratic Convention in Denver on August 24th.    Whatever you think of the death penalty, Democrats have on this occasion avoided the interfaith milquetoast trap.…

Tuesday’s Washington Times article (Denver archbishop not among Democrats’ invited clerics) once again focuses attention on a matter of deep concern to pro-life Democrats like myself.  Chaput is one of the most respected leaders of the Catholic Church in America and his record is a strong commitment to social and economic justice and the principles of the…

As a pro-choice Dem,  I am pleased by the DNC’s plank on abortion. It reaffirms Roe…AND it also show party’s  respect for pro-life Dems.  Most smartlly, it challenges the Republican party to connect its rhetoric to results.  For years, Rs have simply condemned Roe, criticized women, and curried favor with Catholic hierarchy…which is all male.  But they made…

Two of Time Magazine’s 25 most influential Evangelicals: Richard Land from the Southern Baptist Convention and Brian McLaren, from Progressive Revival debate the issues facing Chrstians today on Bloggingheads TV. See the whole debate here:   Political Parties trolling in an election cycle:   Religion’s real role in public policy   Media’s role in religion…

In one of the most explicitly theological questions of Saturday night’s “Saddleback Civil Forum,” Pastor Rick Warren asked both candidates, “Does evil exist in the world today? If so, what should we do about it?” While both Obama and McCain affirmed their belief in the existence of evil, their responses revealed deeply different theological orientations…

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