Prayer, Plain and Simple

Last week writer Matthew Paul Turner dedicated a week on his blog, “Jesus Needs New PR” to talking about sex. He calls it “Sex Needs New PR.” Jennifer Schuchmann, my co-writer on Six Prayers God Always Answers, and Nine Ways God Always Speaks added a post on prayer and sex. In “Prayer Plain and Simple”…

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18).   The image of heartbreak describing the devastating emotional pain of a broken relationship transcends culture and is expressed in the same way in almost every language.  We feel the pain of betrayal and separation deeply at the core…

  Love hurts. Last night I sat and listened to a young woman, a friend of Jill, my wife, tell the devastating story of her recent breakup with her boyfriend. I listened, then prayed that God would heal her wounds and give her miraculous hope. It will take a miracle. But God does miracles.  …

I grew up with an image of Jesus as a meek and mild saint.  But when I explore the gospels I see another side of him: Jesus the warrior.  This may not be popular notion, but it is undeniable.  Jesus came with a mission, on purpose.  He came as a liberator, and a fighter.  The…

There’s a lot of talk these days about flu bugs and pandemics. Is God contagious? If we get close, can we “catch” whatever he has? Here’s a bit from my book, Nine Ways God Always Speaks. Beware.   Getting close to God and being infected by his emotion ruins many people for ordinary life. But…

I want to know God.  Paul said the same thing: “I want to know Christ, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings…” Knowing God means sharing God’s pain. In Six Prayers God Always Answers Jennifer Schuchmann and I suggest that God and justice are inseparable.  One cannot be…

“For he delivers the needy when they call, the poor and those who have no helper.  He has pity on the weak and the needy, and saves the lives of the needy. From oppression to violence he redeems their life; and precious is their blood in his sight” (Psalm 72:12-14).   God shows preferential treatment. …

Can God be bothered with the minor issues in our lives, those small offenses we suffer and sometimes inflict on others?  Does god care about that stuff? In my book Six Prayers God Always Answers I argue that he does.  In my life at least I have discovered God’s activity more in the small incidents…

Early in his ministry Jesus outlined his mission in a kind of mission statement.  He quoted the Prophet Isaiah promising that his presence and activity would result in certain outcomes.  His influence would have impact.  And the impact would be justice, justice in every arena.  Here is the passage from Luke’s gospel.   Jesus returned…

“God, you are a friend of the oppressed.  Jesus said that he came to release the oppressed.  We believe this, and as Jesus followers we carry forward his mission with our prayers of faith.  We appeal to you, our God on behalf of those who today, in the 21st century are held in slavery against…

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