I heard yesterday from a friend who confessed that he and his wife are struggling severely in their marriage. He admitted they are considering separation. I’m praying for them today, and with them all those trying to battle through toxic relationships. My prayer for my friends’ marriage is not for a “thunderbolt miracle” from heaven…

Grandma had it right: Listen to your elders! Research released this week indicates that the elderly are actually smarter when it comes to knowing how to deal with conflicts, uncertainty and change. Imagine that… Age it seems may erode memory, the ability to master trivia, and even reasoning skills. But along with those losses comes…

Sometimes conversations come out of the blue to change our day, even our life perhaps. A moment ago I walked into Caribou Coffee expecting to sit quietly in the corner with a mug of dark roast and plan out my day. But Bill is here, in his own little corner of the shop pouring over…

My wife and I will be traveling today, flying from our home in St. Paul Minnesota to Hawaii’s big island of Kona. Jill and I both will be attending important meetings there, so there is real business involved. But the fact that there’s still a heavy snowpack on the ground here and in Kona it’s…

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