You will not fear the terror of night. Psalm 91:5

These are fearful times we are living in. Hate reigns in random places and times throughout the earth. Is it possible to live without fear? Is it responsible to not worry? Certainly there is a place for healthy fear, but God has taught us to cast our cares, anxieties, and worries on Him. It doesn’t mean those cares don’t exist. It doesn’t mean they aren’t real. But we do not hold them and we will not let them hold us.


You have seen the terror that has so often displayed itself in horrific acts of violence. Yet you invite us to live fearless lives. Apart from you, this is impossible, but with You, our God, all things are possible. Today, moment by moment, I choose to take my fearful thoughts captive and bring them to you. I chose to throw them at your feet and not allow them to weigh down my mind and not allow them to bring despair. Let me experience your love today, and your perfect love will dispel every fear that arises in my mind.

In Jesus’ Name Amen

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