“Ask me and I will give the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession.” (Psalm 2:8)

“Nothing will be impossible for you…” (Matthew 17:21)

How big is too big? How much is too much? Is there a limit to what I can ask of God? Evidently, not. It’s as if God dares me, “Go ahead, push my limits. There are none! Do you want a restored relationship? I can do that. A new contract? Sure. How about a brilliant idea? Fire away! A wider territory? A whole city? If you dare, ask me for a nation. There are 192. Take a shot. Know this: I will bless you with as much as your faith can envision and your wisdom can steward. Just ask.” A leper once came to Jesus begging for healing (Mark 1). “If you are willing you can make me clean,” he said. The man believed in Jesus’ ability; he wasn’t confident in his willingness, his character. This is my handicap. I know God can do big things through and for me. I just don’t know if he will, if he wills. My picture of God’s generosity is framed by my own, and it’s confined. But this dare to pray big is just that simple. I only need to ask to comply. There is nothing here about mustering the right posture, saying the choice words, finding the perfect mindset. I simply find my heart’s desire and double it! That’s it! Doubling what I ask is a great discipline and, counter intuitively, it is the antithesis of my selfish desire. I’m going “so big” I can’t possibly think I deserve it, or muster it up myself, or “own” the outcome. Asking “BIG” is an act of servant leadership, and humility. Prayer in action: So, consider the vision in your heart, perhaps what you have already asked God for yesterday. Take that request and go global! Super-size your ask to God-size. He loves extravagance. Honor him with a colossal request! If you dare to ask God, dare to share it with us!

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