“…Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” ~ 2 Corinthians 5:17

Paul’s life before meeting Jesus on a dusty road, getting thrown to the ground and blinded by His light, was messy and mean. He was a dirty rotten scoundrel who thought he was Really Something. When he met Jesus all that changed. He went off the radar for while, turned his life around, and started doing the exact opposite with his life and purpose that he had been doing previously. Instead of killing Christians, he became one, and he began teaching and training and leading fellow believers into more truth about the greatness of Jesus and the exciting calling they had on their lives. So Paul, who said this about becoming a new human being wasn’t kidding. His life took a 180 degree turn. A new life began for him.

This can be a new day for you, too. Are you sick of your life? Then determine to follow Jesus. Read what his Word says, and put it into practice. Watch what He will do with you! Pray this prayer and twirl a 180 like Paul:


I don’t like the trajectory of my life. I started going my own way thinking it would be best, but I’ve hit so many dead ends and lost my sense of direction and got jolted by so many potholes that I’ve come to see that this can’t possibly be the Right Way. I give you what’s left of me, and I ask you to take my life and Do Something with it. I’m Yours. Lead on. Be Lord of this life of mine.


Now dig into God’s Word! You might want to start by reading about Paul’s life in the books of Acts and then read his letters. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand. Get into a great church that believes and teaches the ways of Jesus. Welcome to a NEW YOU!

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