Thirty-two years ago today Mark took me to a small lake near my home in Minnesota where he bent on one knee and pulled out a ring and put it on my finger. We were so young and so happy. For many years we experienced much joy in our relationship. Then we hit some bumps and jolting potholes in the road — busy-ness, pressures, stresses, and family conflicts hit like a painful hail storm for several years. We held on as best we could and made it through each challenge one by one, but the hail left pock marks that took time to heal. Without the grace of God, our marriage would have been doomed to failure. Thanks to God’s mercy and kindness and forgiveness and love, we went from a rocky marriage to a marriage on the Rock.

“It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built.” Luke 6:48

If you are considering marriage today and are on the brink of engagement, here is a prayer for you…


You created marriage, and everything you create is beautiful. Marriage is a microcosm of your great love for your Bride, the Body of Christ. May our marriage reinact the beauty of the Covenant you have with us, that all that is Yours is ours and all that is ours is Yours. With our faith and Your help, we will dig deep into Your Word and change any habits, tendencies, and desires in our lives that don’t follow Your instructions. We will turn to follow You wholeheartedly!


We submit our lives, both separate and together into your hand. Please confirm your best plan for us. We ask for grace, favor, provision, and the power to love You first and to love each other as we love ourselves. Be the rock that protects us in the coming storms.

In Jesus’ Name,


If you aren’t following the leadership of Jesus in your life, this won’t make any sense. We encourage you to start there before you embark on this marriage journey. We never would have made it without Him…


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