“Tune your ears to wisdom,

and concentrate on understanding.

Cry out for insight,

and ask for understanding.

Search for them as you would for silver;

seek them like hidden treasures.”

Proverbs 2:2-4

Everyone needs wisdom for the riddles and conundrums we all face everyday. James tell us that if anyone lacks wisdom, he simply needs to ask God who hands it out liberally. He also gives a condition: that we doubt not. So if you’re asking and you doubt if God will give it, you doubt that he is willing or able, or if you doubt that He even exists, then he won’t trouble you with the answers. So, push all doubt aside. He has solutions for you. His wisdom is free for the asking. Let’s ask!

My Father,

You have all wisdom within Yourself. Please give me what I need in the situation I am facing today.

[Articulate your specific needs. Wait on Him in expectation. If you don’t hear anything, then rest in His peace and His presence. Often He gives us what we’re not asking for; a deeper need is met, and the other needs we are seeking to fill are swallowed up by greater provision and through His compassion. Perhaps He will answer you in His Word or as you go about your day or through a friend or a book or through a dream while you’re sleeping. But just know that His wisdom is on the way. Believe it. Believe Him. And ask for ears to hear.]


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