“God, bless us as we travel. You too are a traveler. You move; you’re always moving. We follow because you are ahead of us and you know the way. But you are always with us, taking this journey today beside us. Your presence here gives us peace. Traveling is stressful and sometimes dangerous. Having you with us is a comfort we can’t find anywhere else. Thank you. As we travel now (by car, train, bus plane) we ask you to keep us safe and free from mishap, danger, sickness, injury. Along the way, give us opportunities to be a blessing to those coming along with us and to those we meet along the way. Bless our journey, our time at our destination, and our return home. As the Bible says, “Bless our going out and our coming in!” We’re on the move. Thank you for coming along… and better yet, for inviting us along on your journey, in Jesus.”

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