Psalm 139:17-18 relays the most shocking and surprising of all truth… God is fascinated by me!

 17 How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
      They cannot be numbered!
 18 I can’t even count them;
      they outnumber the grains of sand!
   And when I wake up,
      you are still with me!

“God, You are actively aware of everything. You are conscious of every atom moving and shifting, of the photosynthesis in every cell of every life on every oak tree in every field on earth. And you know and monitors and watch and permit gravity’s pull in all the stars in every galaxy, but also and at the same time in every single cell creature swimming and kicking about in every drop of water that makes up the Silver Lake just down the hill from where I am pondering this point and trying as I can to be aware of things as you, God are aware. I am like you in this, created in your image, but only in a tiny way. I’m stuck on just these single facts of being in this one linear moment. You however are aware, not of single thoughts from a singular attention but of ALL at once ALL the time. You knows it all! And yet, God, you remain intimately, personally aware of me. And your awareness is brimming with love for me. You are thinking about me, dreaming of my potential, smiling to yourself of my childlike efforts to walk upright in your world, to reach up and live up to the eternal destiny you have programmed into my every cell. Right now, you have fixed you full focus on me. God, you think about me, and your thoughts are warm and delightful and hopeful and pleasant and so thankful for your own foresight to have given me a life fixed with you forever. He think more about me every moment. I may sleep and pass in and out of conscious awareness; you never lose your focus. And your focus is me… Oh, I don’t and can’t come close to knowing the full meaning of this. But that’s the point, isn’t it! You are God and you love me. I am not God, and I love you…”

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