You may know, and even frequently say the words in Jesus’ Lord’s Prayer, “Give us today our daily bread.” Here Jesus invites us to ask God, our Father to meet our immediate need for provision.  Jesus is referring to an Old Testament story.  When the Hebrews (Jews) were rescued from Egypt God provided miraculous food for them every day of their journey.  He gave them enough, but not more than enough.  If they tried to collect and save more for tomorrow, the food would go rancid.  God was teaching them to trust him for every day.  Jesus challenges us to pray and trust God and the same way.  He tells us that we should not worry about tomorrow and instead focus our faith on the moment.

This challenge is just as relevant for us as it was for those hearings Jesus speak in person.  It’s tempting when we’re facing a challenge like unemployment to think of the big picture and stress about not only today, but tomorrow, next month and next year.  Jesus promises that today’s need will be met.  And when tomorrow becomes another today, that day too will be supplied as well.

“Father God, you promise to meet today’s obligations.  Okay, we’ll hold you to that! We pray that you would fulfill your word in this situation.  Provide food, finances, shelter, support and whatever else today demands.  Give us faith to look here and now in to resist trying to solve tomorrow’s problems ourselves. We know you may (probably will) work in a surprising and creative way, and it may not be what we expect.  Give us the eye is to see your surprising solutions.  Again, we trust you to keep your promises.  Give us today what we need today; we’ll  trust that tomorrow will bring another miracle.”

How has God met your need for provision today?  Tell your story!  What do you need today?  Share your request and we will join you in prayer, believing that God will answer!

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