Our schools teach knowledge. But learning wisdom and learning truth means more than mastering facts and information. Here’s a prayer that our schools would be havens of true knowledge, the knowledge of God. Even in public schools which can not promote overt religious messages we can pray for an atmosphere of receptivity to the things of…

Well, it’s official: we are a dysfunctional family. One of my kids is taking a college course called “Family Relationships,” and according to a standardized metric this family of origin is wacked out, screwed up, messed over, and unhealthy inside and out.  She stoically notified us of the results yesterday, without fanfare or condemnation. Just…

Each day this month we are offering one prayer for one aspect of our children’s education.  Here’s a prayer for school finances. Nothing happens in this world without resources, but God is the source of everything. Let’s ask!    Lord, you invite us to ask for anything, so this school year we ask that you…

My Friend Jon was reading Mark Twain’s “Huckleberry Finn” and last week sent me the following passage with a suggestion that I post it on the blog and ask, “So, who agrees with Huck?” I thought Jon made a good suggestion. Here it is… “Then Miss Watson she took me in the closet and prayed, but nothingcome of…

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