The world is a dangerous place; but God is good and able.  This is “why” every parent must pray.  The second question arises: “How should every parent pray?” A few years ago someone shared with me the “adverbs of prayer.”  Remember your grammar? I can’t remember the source of this, but it’s good.  My apologies if it was you.


We pray:


Desperately – We’re helpless and at the end of our resources. We need God.


Presumptuously – We presume on God’s goodness believing he hears and answers.


Boldly – We have the right to approach God directly. He honors importunity.


Specifically – God says “ask and you will receive.” We put God on the line.


Expectantly – We believe his promises seeing what is before we receive it. 


Corporately – Agreement is a condition of answered prayer. We secure right relationships in order to pray purely.


Playfully – There has to be joy along the way…


Violently – Sometimes we have to fight.  A mother bear fights for her own.


Tenaciously – Resistance can lead to persistence. When things don’t happen instantly, we must keep going.


Thankfully – Faith says “thank you” before resultsmaterializes.  Gratitude is the surest form of trust.


Restfully – In the end, we leave all in God’s hands and we rest.  


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