Imagine a world where Shakespeare is so revered, his plays are stilll staged to standing-room-only crowds…where books are so dear they are guarded by librarians with guns…and where time travel is as common as dodos (yep, theyre common, too)! Enter the world of Jasper Ffordes Thursday Next series with Lori and Alice this week on…

Are God’s rules less important than your relationship with Him?  Lori Strawn and Alice Shelton are calling this week “hodge podge”!  Author Franciscan Father Richard Rohr has written so many books that they couldn’t settle on just one for this show.  Join the discussion on meaningful quotations from Richard Rohr’s books. LISTEN NOW!  

Spiritual and children’s book writer C.S. Lewis wasn’t always the faith-filled person he so brilliantly displayed in his works. In “Surprised by Joy,” Lewis tells the story of of his life, from his mother’s death to a series of soulless boarding schools to his final transformation into a Christian. Join Lori Strawn and Alice Shelton…

How do you respond when an angel of God appears to you and asks you to be the vessel which brings God into humanness as a man? Join Alice Shelton and Lori Strawn as they discuss this remarkable work by Denise Levertov. LISTEN NOW!  

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