Daily Prayer

God of abundance,
You have blessed me
With Your bounty
Your love,
Your grace,
The treasures of Your creation.

In gratitude for these gifts,
Holy One,
Bless me with wisdom
To use them with skill,
In service to Your holy name.

Bless me with humility
To use them with joy
In service to Your creation.

Bless me with a strong arm
And a curious mind
In service to Your commandments.

Bless me with a generous heart
And a forgiving hand
In the name of Tikkun Olam.

Bless me with gentle speech
And joyous laughter,
So that all my works
Summon holiness into Your world.

Then, Rock of Israel,
I will honor Your glorious gifts
With all my being.

Blessed are You, Adonai our God,
Your bounty calls us to service.

– Alden Solovy

Click to hear Alden read this prayer out loud and to read more of his work.

© 2011 Alden Solovy and www.tobendlight.com. All rights reserved.

Alden Solovy is a liturgist, poet, editor and writing coach, as well as an award-winning essayist and journalist. His work combines ancient ideas with new voices and modern rhythms into a unique range of prayers, meditations and poetry. Find more of his work at To Bend Light on Facebook, Twitter and www.tobendlight.com.

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