If you’re over forty-ish, you probably weren’t that shocked to see the latest video to go viral. We remember the time when we would turn on our T.V.’s  and see celebrities, newscasters and even political figures, blowing smoke.

Egads! I just “outed” myself. Yes, I’m in the fifty-ish range, and it was intriguing to see Mark Block, Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain’s chief of staff, smoke a cigarette in his ad campaign. Equally captivating- the mustache(s).

Allow me to clarify – smoking is bad and I’m not a smoker. It’s bad for your health, your complexion, your breath and a host of other negatives.
But seeing smoke rising from Herman Cain’s camp is… fascinating.

God gives us our body to take care of. The Creator is boss in the soul department, but “Bodies R us.” It’s up to you and me to take good care of our physical and mental health. That’s why when Cain aired the smoking ad, some of us older folk liked it. We saw a spark of defiance, an anti-establishment attitude, from a mustachioed mouth.

Sure, smokers and non-smokers alike recognize the evil that is smoking. And we celebrate the good that is freedom to be politically incorrect, and honest about our bad habits.

Go on— let me know how you feel about a pol using a bad habit to make a point. The cocky side of me, my bad habit of being a “know-it-all,” challenges you to let me have it! Leave a comment below.

Susan Diamond, Prayables

“If God is for us, who is against us?”  Romans 8:31

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