According to The Times of London, yes, indeed, an Italian priest (where else?) is holding an online beauty contest to find the best-looking nun. Father Antonio Rungi, of Mondragone, near Naples, said he expected at least 1,000 nuns to enter the Sister Italia contest. It would run online at first, but he hoped that it…

Okay, add to the list of modern annoyances in sacred spaces checking email and texting. Part of the Crackberry, er, Blackberry culture (which I have recently joined) I guess. Lord, save me. It may be hard. AOL’s Fourth Annual Email Addiction Survey shows that more Americans are checking email while driving, in the bathroom, on…

Perhaps it doesn’t beat what they’re building for “Angels & Demons,” but a diligent reader dug up a photo of the famous Inflatable Church that we spoke about here earlier. Check out a cool gallery of pictures here. And note that they cover the entire Catholic experience because they also have an Inflatable Pub. The…

Evidently tired of dragging down the Catholic Church, blockbuster novelist Dan Brown has apparently decided to found his own religion–and yet it looks an awful lot like the one he has accused of everything that has ever gone wrong in the History of the World! Hey, if you can’t beat ’em…So will Ron Howard be…

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